Shrek: a brilliant guide for lonely souls
by Nikita Buzhor
I bet a dollar that at least somebody once told you his all-time favourite cartoon was Shrek. Even after 20 years since its release, Shrek still draws the attention of millions of " believers" and, thanks to countless Internet memes, the hype around this film will not subside soon. But what has made this film a modern classic? Is it the plot, the characters, or the subtext? To my mind, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.
Shrek is not a typical main hero of the story. In fact, he is more of an antihero than a noble character. A selfish ogre who lives in a swamp. He is not worried about anything except his tranquillity, and any changes in usual way of life result in a categorical protest.

Who on Earth would associate themselves with such a character? Millions of people. Those who value their privacy and pleasures (not burping and dirt-bathing, of course) more than anything else in the world, but who just like
Shrek can’t find enough happiness in those aspects of life. Shrek shows lonely souls the way of joining a society, overcoming fears, and broadening horizons. In other words, the way of letting other people into " your precious swamp".

Thus, besides being a funny comedy movie, Shrek is an amazing step-by-step guide on learning how to open yourself up to people and bring them closer to you. To delve into the non-obvious tips that this animated movie gives, I suggest running through the specific points of this guide.
1. If people see you as a " monster", don’t be one
It is common for humans to draw conclusions about people without even getting to know them. As a result, some automatically become " nerds", or " stupid blondes", or, in Shrek’s case, "monsters". Unfortunately, many people fall under those misleading tags. Even if they aren’t " monsters", they start acting like ones. And Shrek is no exception.

During one of the most sincere conversations with Donkey, he states that it's better to be alone than to convince people they’re wrong. However, it is actually not true.

Of course, you shouldn’t go out of your way to convince others. It’s much more practical to stay yourself, to reveal your best traits in a suitable moment. For example, Shrek shows himself as a brave person when he fights a dragon or tries to save Princess Fiona from Lord Farquaad, the evil ruler of Duloc. The ogre doesn’t demonstrate his bravado to impress people, he does it to help his friends, and as a result, people accept him.

Being yourself is the best way to show people how wrong they are. Seeing everything you are capable of, the others will surely change their mind and treat you appropriately.
2. Don’t push away people that sympathize you
The interaction between Shrek and Donkey is one of the key relationships in the movie that helps the ogre to develop his empathy skills and mentally evolve. While Donkey quickly accepts Shrek despite his grumpy behavior and constantly tries to create a bond with the unfriendly ogre, our green hero persistently pushes Donkey away. Being treated like a monster for his whole life, Shrek is scared to open up to his companion. Instead, he always tries to get rid of the annoying animal. Sensitivity, exclamations, hyperactivity — Shrek doesn’t like this useless stuff. He tries to find happiness in solitude, but he doesn’t succeed.

It’s Donkey who makes the happy ending of Shrek’s story possible. If not for his caring friend, the ogre would have never even known that Fiona loved him. Donkey forgives Shrek for all his mistakes and helps him to save the princess. ''Because that's what friends do!'' Donkey says. And, yes, it does Shrek a great effort to apologize for his mistakes and finally acknowledge Donkey as a friend, but in the end, he understands that it was all worth it. He understands that he can be truly happy with a reliable companion by his side.

And that statement is true for regular humans too. Instead of running away from people who accept you with all your flaws, try to connect with them. If you have a trustworthy supporter near you, all the challenges in your life become easier.
3. See the positive sides of any changes and try to accept them
A lot of people tend to look at all the changes that happen in their life from a negative perspective and so does Shrek. When all the magical creatures banished by Lord Farquaad suddenly flooded the swamp, the ogre filled with rage. All the privacy that he valued far too much disappeared, and he had to share his beloved home with strangers. Unwilling to establish new contacts, he tried to get rid of the new residents by any means.

However, when Shrek finally redeemed his peace and quiet, he didn’t feel satisfied. After all his " neighbours" left, his loneliness became especially noticeable. Even though he was left all alone, nothing made him feel happy anymore.

This emptiness in his heart was only filled when he gladly welcomed all the fable creatures after Lord Farquaad’s defeat. So, even if the changes don’t seem nice at the beginning they may still help you out by showing your wrongness or just letting you experience something new. Try to look for the positives and you will definitely find them.
4. Learn to talk to people that you care for
Thetruth is born in dispute, the proverb says. In reality, a simple honest talk may be enough to solve all the issues. Talking to a person, you may not only express your feelings and create a personal bond but also neutralize the conflict. For instance, if Shrek had talked to Fiona about his feelings and the dialogue the princess had with Donkey, the " happily ever after" finale may have appeared a lot sooner. Rejecting listening to Fiona, Shrek leaves her to Lord Farquaad only to discover later that the princess loved him back.

Of course, learning to express yourself via talking is complicated. However, it’s an essential skill to bring people closer to you. Neither can you connect with anybody if you keep all your thoughts inside, nor are you able to understand how people treat you. Start by casually chatting with someone you like, and you’ll notice the ice breaking.
5. Don’t lose yourself while trying to connect with the others
Among all other tips, this might be the trickiest one to fulfill. When you embark on a path of accepting other people and making them accept you as well, you will inevitably change. Nevertheless, it is vital to preserve your core identity to remain unchanged.

It may sound like nonsense, but it’s quite easy to understand. Take a look at Shrek! His behaviour towards the world has changed by the end although his inner self hasn’t. He is still a semi-rude funny ogre we all know, but he isn’t a lonesome anymore. Shrek learned to create bonds with people and at the same time he didn’t lose his grumpy freedom-loving character that Fiona and Donkey love. And that’s what you should do. Change your attitude without ceasing to be yourself.

Honestly speaking, I can't call Shrek anything but a masterpiece. Bearing all the useful tips under a funny story the movie utilizes a unique language that both children and adults can understand. All that’s left is to follow these pieces of advice, and your swamp will definitely flourish. After all, if an unfriendly ogre manages to find caring friends, how can you not succeed too?
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